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The Names of God

Through Elisabeth Elijah the Lord has given important information about the names with which He wants to be addressed. This is particularly important for the time of the great tribulation that the children of God will experience who are not ready when the Lord comes to pick up His bride. During the great tribulation the antichrist will reveal himself with miracles and signs as the “Jesus” who has returned. Anyone who still calls upon “Jesus” will in fact call upon the antichrist. The Lord warns with great emphasis that He will no longer be able to answer the prayers addressed to “Jesus” during the great tribulation. In order to be answered by Him, one must then call upon Him under His Hebrew name “Yahushua”. There are different spellings in circulation, but in the name of the Son of God “Yah” (the name of God the Father), cannot be missing.

The Name of God the Son

When the angel Gabriel announced to Mary the birth of the Messiah, he told her what name to give Him (Luke 1:31). In the Englishh translation this reads: “You will give Him the name 'Jesus'.” The spelling “Jesus” came from the Greek representation of the Hebrew name “Yahushua” in our English translation. Greek, the language in which the New Testament is written, does not have the necessary letters in its alphabet to be able to represent that name phonetically exactly. For example, Greek does not have a “h” in the middle of a word and does not have a letter to represent the “sh” sound. Also, Greek has an inflection of nouns that Hebrew does not have. Perhaps the latter also influenced the spelling of the name “Jesus” (Greek: Ièsous).
Latin and western translations have adopted the Greek spelling (Iesus, Jesus, Jezus, Jésus, Gesù, etc.), also where the original name “Yahushua” can be reproduced phonetically exactly. Mary gave her son the Hebrew name “Yahushua”, as the angel had spoken. The meaning of that name, “Yah saves”, is no longer recognizable in most translations.
Furthermore, the name “Christ” is derived from the Greek translation (Christos) of the Hebrew word for “Anointed One” (Mashiach). So the Hebrew name for Jesus Christ is “Yahushua ha Mashiach”.

The name of God the Father

God has announced His name to Moses: “Yahweh, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.” He said: “This is My name forever, and so I want to be called from generation to generation.” (Exodus 3:15) Therefore, it was not according to God's will that the Jews banned the name “Yahweh”, as it were, from their reading of the Bible and from their speaking and praying. God the Father wants to be called under His name “Yahweh”. The meaning of this name is: “I am Who I am” (Exodus 3:14).

The Name of God the Holy Spirit

The literal translation of “the Holy Spirit” in Hebrew is “Ruach ha Kadosh”, but the common Hebrew expression to refer to the Holy Spirit is “Ruach ha Kodesh”, which literally means “the Spirit of Holiness”. Elisabeth Elijah has been revealed and shown that the Holy Spirit is a female personality (prophecies 89 and 90). On her question about Her name, the Holy Spirit made Herself known as follows: “I am Mamma Shkhinah; I am called 'Wisdom' and in Hebrew the 'Ruach ha Kodesh' and I am also called 'the Holy Spirit'.... I am your Holy Mother; I am the only Queen of heaven, there is no other.... Mary was Yahushua's earthly mother, but I am His heavenly Mother.”
Furthermore, the Holy Spirit reveals a great deal about Herself and about Her place within the Trinity. She says: “Just as Yahweh is the Father of the ages, the Eternal, so I am the Mother of the ages, the Eternal, and so is Yahushua the Eternal: We are the definition of Eternity.”
Much more can be read in Elisabeth Elijah's book, entitled “Secrets of the Holy Spirit”. In this book you will also find full evidence that the Holy Spirit was once seen as feminine and an explanation of how people came to see Her as a man.

Briefly here: The word for “spirit” is feminine in Hebrew (ruach), while it is masculine in Latin (spiritus), neuter in Greek (pneuma) and masculine in most modern languages. Through those translations one has mistakenly come to see the Holy Spirit as masculine. The word for “wisdom” is, in Hebrew as well as in Latin, Greek and in most modern languages, female, and the Wisdom of Proverbs 1 and 8 is generally seen as a female personality, but she was gradually no longer identified with the Holy Spirit.