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The Great Tribulation

The time when the antichrist, who is the son of Satan, will reign on earth, will be the most horrible time there has ever been and ever will be. The obedient children of God who will be ready at Yahushua's coming, will not have to experience the most horrible of all times, because Yahushua has given His life for them. Yet there will be millions of children of God who, because they do not meet the conditions to be the Bride of Yahushua, will have to go through all or part of the great tribulation. Their eyes will be forced to see the horror, but they must realize that Yahweh's wrath is not directed against them, but against Yahweh's enemies. Crowds will be tortured, but they will have the peace of Yahweh. He will be with them. They will not be the Bride, but the beloved and honored guests at the Lamb's wedding.

The antichrist will oblige everyone to worship him and his image and receive his mark. Those who will not do this will experience a difficult time, for they will not be able to buy or sell. Those who will do so will dedicate themselves to the lake that burns eternally with fire and brimstone. Those who refuse to accept the sign of the beast will have to live entirely by faith in order to survive. The Lord will answer their prayers for protection and provision at that time, but only if they call upon Him under His Hebrew name “Yahushua”, for the name “Jesus” will then be the name of the antichrist. Many will then prefer the short pain of beheading to the difficult life of faith, and thus evade the command to worship the beast and its image. This is how they go to heaven after all. Because they will have given their lives for Yahushua and will be cleansed by His blood, they will experience the wedding meal of the Lamb as the beloved and honored guests.

As in the time of Hosea, the people of God are destroyed today because of the lack of knowledge. (Hosea 4:6) God provides the special revelations that everyone needs in order to survive both spiritually and physically at this crucial time of decision and judgment. It is everyone's responsibility to take note of it. I refer in particular to the prophecies of Elisabeth Elijah. They can be found at Those who do not see that these revelations are given by God in His love to warn and save His children, are spiritually blind. And whoever does not take them seriously and does what God asks in them, is responsible for his own downfall.